I made it through the wilderness

I don’t know why I have decided to start rewriting my blog now this very minute on my first day of holidays, but I think it is to do with how anxious I have been feeling over the past few days about flying here and other things happening in my life.  Now, the anxiousness has almost passed (I think I’m on some sort of post anxiety come down because I’m excited to be here but also still flapping about our unbooked days!), I’m feeling so much happier.

So how did I get through my terrible flight fear?  There are five key components at play here.

  1. I rushed from work to the airport.  This meant my mind was so busy thinking about all the things I had yet to finish at work there wasn’t enough time to worry about the flight.
  2. I’m sorry, this probably isn’t very zen or mindful of me, but I drank alcohol.  Yes, a couple of Kirins always help suppress the nerves.
  3. My dear friend Tammy provided me with some rescue remedy – taken before and during the bumpy scary bits on the flight.  i’m not sure how much this actually helps to calm me and how much psychological but hey it helped so i ain’t knocking it.
  4. Colouring in.  On a last minute whim before boarding I bought The Enchanted Forest colouring in book.  Yes I know this is something that people are talking a lot about these days and it is very ‘trendy’ but man, this helped calm me so much.  The concentration of staying in the lines whilst the plane is shaking, and your eye sight is failing you (that’s turning 30 for you I guess?!) really took my mind of the fear.  I would really recommend anyone who is scared of flying do this on board!
  5. Finally, knowing it was going to be worth it upon arrival – and boy it is!  This has to be one of the nicest resorts I have ever stayed in, and perfect for our second anniversary on Christmas Eve.


Not to say that there weren’t parts of the flight that were unpleasant.  We were flying AirAsia, so lack of space, screaming children, general noise and the usual ‘friendly’ turbulence all made appearances.  But I was definitely not at my plane panic worst (cue tears and uncontrollable heart rate).

Now to enjoy the holibobs!  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas wherever you are!


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